Identity cards
At Eelis we provide a full range of ID card solutions with the highest level of innovation and creativity.
We supply governments around the globe with robust and secure solutions for electronic national ID and eID projects in order to enhance the public safety and insure citizen protection against counterfeiting and forgery.
complying with the latest international recommendations, here is eelis eID card specifications range:
- Card Structure: Polycarbonate card, PET card, PVC card, and Composite card.
- Card Size: ID 1 format (credit card sized).
- Dimensions: 8.6 x 5.4 cm
- Thickness: 0.76 mm or CR 80
- ISO 7810 / ISO 7812 / ISO 7816 / ISO 7813 / ISO 10373.
- Card Personalization: laser personalization, laser and dye sublimation,
eelis also provides turnkey solutions for biometric documents for governments including :
- Enrollment and verification
- AFIS and Data Management
- Personalization solutions
- Document issuing
- Training and consultancy

Enrollment and verification
Solution overview
The following diagram contains a simplified diagram of the Bio ID system, showing the enrolment station, where persons go to register and pick up a Bio ID card, and the central system. When the person has received his Bio card he can use it at a verification station (e.g. polling station).

To register as a Bio the person needs to provide:
- Biographic data: full name, date-of-birth, gender, parent’s names, address of origin, place of residence, mobile telephone number, passport number, social security number, etc.
- Fingerprints using a slap scanner (number and type of fingers can be configured.)
- Facial image using a webcam.
- Supporting documents that will be scanned by the document scanner.
- Signature, captured as image, using a signature pad.
The enrolment station will send the new registration to the central system. The central system will check if the identity does not already exist in the system by matching the biometrics. If no duplicates are found, a card request will be transferred to the personalization site for card printing and issuance. Later on, the issued cards are sent to the registration station. At the registration center the person can pick up the card. Before receiving the card, the person will be verified by matching the life captured fingerprints against the fingerprints in the corresponding Bio card.
The enrolment stations are also used in situations where persons need to update a record or ask for renewal of his/her card. The replacement request, together with the replacement reason (for example, card is expired or lost), is sent to the central system. In the central system the identity is checked with the personal data, which are already in the system. Any old card will be deactivated and a new card will be printed and made ready for card issuance.
When a person is in possession of their Bio card, they can use it at the verification stations. During this verification process the card of the person is scanned and the fingerprints template is retrieved from the chip module on the card. These templates are matched against the fingerprints that are scanned at the verification station, resulting in a match or no-match. In case of a match the person’s identity is positively verified.
AFIS and Data Management
Our highly efficient AFIS plays a critical role in order to avoid identity fraud and enhance the biometric security by :
- Tracing duplicates and ‘ghosts’ in documents
- Preventing all attempts for multiple registrations
- Combining Face and Iris Recognition
- Performing biometric matching. The AFIS performs a de-duplication process for detection of duplicates in the system.
- The AFIS creates a unique ID number for every person.
Application areas: Border control, public safety, national ID, e-passport, driver’s license, passports, healthcare, voter registrations, etc. ,

We can integrate a scalable solution which uses parallel processing power of several servers working together, to ensure secure, fast and accurate results.
Eelis Card personalization Software allows you to easily create and customize your ID Card and Badge design.
Thanks to our efficient card design features we can smoothly move you from ID data entry to card design. after that the card will be printed with the personalized data and features.

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is an encryption framework which that can secure the communications between the server and the client through a combination of software, policies, hardware, processes that is mandatory to create, store, and fetch digital certificates and public-keys.
The Certificate Authority (CA) role is to authenticate and verify the digital identities for all system users (individuals or servers).
Certificate Authorities prevent suspicious entities and manage the life cycle of any given digital certificates number.

Document Issuing
After the enrollment stage is complete and the Biometric data is stored correctly, the Biometric will be prepared for collection. The individual will be invited and can pick it up at the government pick up station during the document collection process. Some verification process needs to be done to ensure that the document is collected by the authorized person.
Also, Eelis document issuing solution has the ability to add personalized, on demand, layered security to any document including both preprinted security forms as well as new documents and records. A large number of companies rely solely on preprinted security paper to protect their high value documents. Though preprinted security paper does a good job of securing the base document, it does not address the security of personal data that is added to the document at the point of print. By not securing personal data, companies are leaving themselves vulnerable to unauthorized modifications, forgery or photocopying. We secure our clients by adding another layer of protection to their documents. Personalized security features are added to each print file before it is routed to the printer giving companies an additional layer of security beyond preprinted stock and helping to create unique and secure documents.

Temporary ID
Eelis temporary ID solution is a cost effective ID solution that can be supplied to the governments and issued to the country’s citizens in order to be used for a short basis only.
Eelis temporary ID is a cost effective solution and it contains high level security features. These features prevent any manipulation or forgery attempts providing the highest level of security and confidentiality for the government output.